Chrysler Building

美 [ˈkraɪslər ˈbɪldɪŋ]英 [ˈkraɪslə ˈbɪldɪŋ]
  • 网络克莱斯勒大厦;纽约克莱斯勒大楼
Chrysler BuildingChrysler Building
  1. But at that point , the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building in New York were both being finished .


  2. Was it , the Empire State Building , Chrysler Building , Willis Tower , or Eiffel Tower .


  3. Chandler : And that 's the Chrysler Building right there .


  4. It remained the world 's tallest structure until it was surpassed by New York City's319-meter-high Chrysler Building in1931 .


  5. Daimler Chrysler Building , Berlin


  6. In New York City , the Empire State Building and Chrysler building went dark , as did the Times Square theatre district and the United Nations building .


  7. Landmarks including the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building can be seen towering above smaller buildings after just three days in his spellbinding creation .


  8. The Eiffel Tower , the Chrysler building , the Empire State building these were meant to testify to the greatness and vision of the country that built them .


  9. The deck offers a 360 degree vista of the 230 buildings that are at least 30 stories high , including an unparalleled view of the chrome spires of the legendary Chrysler Building .


  10. Of course , there are iconic buildings-overused word-but buildings which over time still command our respect and attention , and , you know , they roll off the tongue . There 's the Seagram Building , you know ? There 's the Chrysler Building , the Empire State and so on .


  11. While other manufacturers handed work to install CNG equipment to smaller , after-market suppliers , Chrysler was building a CNG-powered pick-up truck on its own assembly lines .
